Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

Basic exercises to build chest muscles (Pictures). "body building chest"

Basic exercises to build chest muscles Pictures

 Of the best chest muscles and muscles that are very special care of the player
Bodybuilding is one of the best days of training despite the long and difficult
Here's a basic exercises to build chest muscles strong and big
Her chest muscle parts consist of high chest muscles , and the muscles of the chest and the middle
The muscles of the lower breast , chest muscles external, internal chest muscles .

You can see the chest muscles anatomy to know the appropriate exercises for each part
There is a warm-up before each exercise
Rest between each set 2 minutes between each exercise and the other 2 and a half minutes

Table Exercise

Exercise squeeze Bar Bunche flat                                 3 sets 10 repeat
Exercise pressure Baldmpel the flat bench                    3 sets 8 repeat
Exercise pressure Baldmpel on a high bench                3 sets 10 repeat
Exercise flutter Baldmpel Bunche high                         3 sets 8 repeat
Exercise pressure Bar Bench italic                               3 sets 8 repeat
A diving Palmtwazy exercise                                       3 sets 12 repeat
Train front -                                                              3 sets 8 repeat
Exercises explanation and photos

Exercise squeeze Bar Bunche flat

Exercise squeeze Bar Bunche flat

Exercise pressure Baldmpel the flat bench

Exercise pressure Baldmpel the flat bench

Exercise pressure Baldmpel on a high bench

Exercise pressure Baldmpel on a high bench

Exercise flutter Baldmpel Bunche High
Exercise flutter Baldmpel Bunche High

Exercise Bar Bench italic pressure

Exercise Bar Bench italic pressure

Exercise diving Palmtwazy
Exercise diving Palmtwazy

Train front -
Train front 

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